Wednesday, March 13, 2013

World Book Day Bookmark Competition

How do you feel about entering a national competition with an awesome prize?
 We have some amazing artists here at Howes.
 I have sent your class teachers details of the National Book Token's annual bookmark competition.  There are two categories; the under 8's and the 9-12's.
Click on the picture to follow the link

All you have to do is design the front of a book themed bookmark using the template I have given your teacher. Simple!  Get your teacher to sign (and print their name) and to print your full name in CAPITALS and your age on the back of your entry.   Return them to me (Mrs Henshaw - you'll usually find me in Year 2) before Tuesday 26th March (you have nearly 2 weeks!) and I'll get them sent off for you.
Here are some examples.

 Why not have a go?
You never know!!

Mrs Henshaw

Saturday, March 9, 2013

World Book Day

Everyone had a fantastic day on Thursday dressing as their favourite book character for World Book Day.  Here we are in our school assembly.  Can you spot yourself?


We also shared our favourite books and stories with our families.......

...and then we paired up with our friends from a different year group.

Well done everyone!

  Your teachers are very proud of your reading skills.

Mrs Henshaw

Saturday, March 2, 2013


What is one of the most exciting days we have here at Howes?
That's right!  

This year WBD will be on Thursday 7th March.
I hope you are all planning what you'll wear this year.  If you are looking for ideas then you will find a few to help you in the library.

Here are a few more book character ideas to help you. You can click on the blue links to see more.
HORRID HENRY -normal boy clothes, but messy, don't forget to look mischievous!
DERTIE BERTIE - as above
THE GRUFFALO - use this mask
THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR - dress in green, pin on stuffed socks for legs
SLEEPOVER CLUB - nightclothes and a teddy
STUART LITTLE - use this mask
CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS-wear your colourful pants(clean of course!) over your trousers & cape
Matilda, The Twits (make a beard) The BFG (make big ears from paper plates) Charlie,
 Willie Wonka, Miss Trunchbull (one for Mr Jones!)

I wonder how inventive your teachers will be this year?

We are looking forward to seeing all your lovely ideas, but most of all

Mrs Henshaw

Horrid Henry - normal boy clothes, but messy. Don't forget to wear a mischievous expression! - See more at:

Horrid Henry - normal boy clothes, but messy. Don't forget to wear a mischievous expression! - See more at:

Horrid Henry - normal boy clothes, but messy. Don't forget to wear a mischievous expression! - See more at: